Why Choose Genesis?

Genesis is not your regular doctor鈥檚 or physician鈥檚 office. We do, like any other doctor鈥檚 office, have licensed physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners that provide our patients with the highest quality care service, and preventive healthcare. But what makes us different is that as a Community Health Center, Genesis has the ability to go beyond that and take additional steps to help improve the health of our community.

We are your healthcare one stop shop:

At Genesis we understand that people have busy lives. Between work, family, and personal life, it is hard to find time to worry about health. But health should be a top priority for everyone, and our goal is to make it easy and simple. That is why at Genesis we provide on-site pharmacies, so that you can get your checkup and pick up all your necessary prescriptions and medications all in one place.

We also provide transportation for all our patients in the Pee Dee area with a shuttle that will pick you up and take you home. We want to make sure there is nothing standing between you and good health.

We are right here, local, and a part of the community

You may not have noticed, but quality healthcare is right in your neighborhood. Genesis serves the Pee Dee area (Darlington, Olanta, Florence, Lamar) and the Lowcountry (Goose Creek and Walterboro), and we have local offices in each. There is no need to go out of your way for quality healthcare. Genesis is close and we are here to help. We even have transportation, to help make it to all your appointments on time. We serve these communities because they are our communities, and we want to see their health improve.